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Friday 19th August 2005

Right it took me ages to get all of these photos organised and the correct way up so you better appreciate it! Lee On Tour is a collection of his pictures from Singapore, Sydney, Perth, Cambodia and Thailand. If you want to see a bit of flesh there is something for everyone! I won’t tell you what pages the interesting ones are on, I'll let you sift through the 128 pages to find them....Enjoy.

Thursday 18th August 2005

Ok, finally got the pictures off of Kel and Neil from Lordfest 2005.

Monday 1st August 2005

Here are the pictures from Jordans 23rd Birthday celebration at the Pink Toothbrush, apologies for the quality of the photos but I was hammered!

Monday 25th July 2005

I've added loads of pictures from Ozonia Way Street Party III. There are 171 photos and the order they follow is Gray's, Hayley's, my Dad's, Kel's and finally mine.